Bob became a certified diver in 1994 and earned his PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor rating in 1999. In August of 2001 Bob opened Odyssey Scuba and the rest is history.
Cheryl received her open water scuba certification in 1998 while living in Turkey. In 2000 she met Bob and has been with Odyssey ever since. Cheryl received her PADI divemaster cert in 2003 and became an Instructor in 2004. The joy of diving and the passion to teach others is why she chose the professional route.
Dave learned to dive while vacationing in Jamaica in 2005. His love of scuba and a joy of helping others learn is why he decided to become a PADI dive professional in 2010 and an instructor in 2018. Dave is often cited for his patience and willingness to help his students succeed in every class he teaches.
David received his open water scuba certification in 2005 in Jamaica. He wanted to encourage and teach people to dive so he became a Divemaster in 2011 and obtained his Instructor rating in 2013. HIs quiet nature, sense of humor, and gentle teaching method make him a favorite for teaching classes.
Gary earned his Open Water certification right here at Odyssey Scuba just a few years ago, but his enthusiasm, helpful nature, and zest for life earned him a spot on the staff as a Divemaster in 2020. Gary owns and operates Warren Service Industry, and looks forward to continuing with his dive career.
James became a certified diver in 2020 and has focused on continuing his professional journey by earning his Divemaster rating in 2023. James brings an attention to detail (along with a dedication to quality and excellence) to his role as a Divemaster here at Odyssey Scuba.
Meet Raleigh, our official Ambassador of Happiness (and Door Greeter)! You'll find Raleigh at Odyssey Scuba most days and to be quite honest, he is the reason we get so many visitors. He truly believes that Odyssey exists only for his entertainment. Stop in any time and he will gladly give doggy kisses and let you play "kick" with him. He is a source of constant joy!!!